¿Puedo amamantar después de una cirugía de senos?

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Can I take medication while I’m breastfeeding?

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Can I breastfeed after breast surgery?

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Self-care for new moms: Practical tips

Becoming a new mom is truly life-altering, and it comes with a whole set of unique challenges. While the focus tends to be on taking care of the newborn, it’s …

9 Common breastfeeding questions

Although breastfeeding is often considered the most instinctive method of nourishing your infant, it might not always be a straightforward experience. 1. What quantity of colostrum is required by newborns? …

How to breastfeed in public discreetly

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Symptoms and treatment of a clogged duct

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I’m having trouble latching my baby. Is this normal?

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Increasing your milk production

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Burping your baby

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