Breastfeeding with inverted nipples

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When can I introduce a bottle if I’m breastfeeding?

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How to get a good breastfeeding latch

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Pacify tips for efficient milk storage

Why parents build a milk supply: Whether you’re returning to work, sharing feeding responsibilities with your partner, or just planning a night out, having stored breast milk can be incredibly …

Breastfeeding while flying: Tips for travel

Common Questions about Traveling with Breast Milk and Baby on a Plane As the holiday travel season approaches, if you’re traveling with your baby (quite literally), make sure to bookmark …

Pumping for new mothers: From basics to tips and tricks

The idea of pumping breast milk can be overwhelming for new moms. Questions like when, where, and how much to pump can leave you feeling uncertain. On top of that, …

Preparing Your Older Child for a New Baby and Breastfeeding with Confidence

You’re expecting a new baby, and you’re wondering how to prepare your older child for the exciting arrival. Well, one thing you can do is have a chat with your …

What is a Lactation Consultant?

Let’s break it down. IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant—the ultimate breastfeeding expert. At Pacify, we work with IBCLCs because we believe in providing you with the absolute …

The Doula Difference: Meaning and Transformative Benefits of Doula Support

Just like having a trusty travel guide in a foreign country, birth and postpartum doulas are there to support and empower new families through the life-changing journey of having a …

Breastfeeding positions for you and your baby

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it can sometimes present challenges in terms of finding the right positions for both comfort and optimal feeding. …