
My Birth Wish List

This Birth Wish List is a way for me to ask questions and learn about my pregnancy and giving birth. It helps me be part of decision making during the birth of my baby. I will talk about what I may need with my Pacify Birth Doula. I will share this Birth Wish List with my doctor or midwife during my prenatal visits and talk with them about my wishes. I will bring it to the place where I give birth so I can share it with the people who will be helping me. I understand that a lot can happen during the birth of my baby. My Birth Wish List may change in some ways to keep me and the baby safe.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
After I complete this form, a copy of my answers will be emailed to the address above:

I feel comfortable with my doctor or midwife taking care of me:(Required)
I would like to give birth:(Required)
*If home birth, please call your health plan to talk about it
I have a carseat to bring the baby home in:(Required)
*If “NO”, please call your health plan to talk about it
I would like to have a Birth Partner---a loved one or friend for support when I give birth.
I’d like to try these things to help me cope with my labor:
After the birth of the baby, I would like to
Circumcision is the removal of skin covering the tip of the penis. If my baby is a boy:
For example: breastfeeding help, child-care, transportation to follow-up appointments, food. Please use your Pacify app to call your health plan directly if you are concerned about food.

Email consent(Required)
By checking this box, I agree to send the information included in this form to the email address I specified above. I understand that this Birth Wish List is for personal use and is not an official health record, and that sending this information via email may not be secure.

There is much more to learn about this Birth Wish List and your choices in labor.

Please click here or select "Library" in your Pacify app (under MENU) to read more.