People labor at all different speeds, and every labor is different, even for the same person. Generally, labor takes longer for the first child and less long for following children. …
What’s happening to my body when I go into labor?
When you go into labor, your body is getting ready to deliver your baby. To deliver your baby, several things need to happen. The opening between your uterus and vagina …
What is false labor?
Some people have “false labor,” or Braxton-Hicks contractions. This can happen during your third trimester. You can tell the difference between Braxton-Hicks contractions and “real” contractions because real contractions get …
How will I know when I go into labor?
Here are a few signs that your labor is starting: You start cramping. When you start, you may feel cramps in your uterus or back. These can feel similar to …